

My name is Jimmy Vogel. I am a graduate student at Purdue University, pursuing a PhD in Applied Mathematics. My PhD advisor is  Prof. Jianlin Xia.  I do research in  Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA); my current focus is on fast eigenvalue algorithms for structured matrices and their applications to electrical engineering problems such as medical imaging. Much more about my research can be found via the above links. Before coming to Purdue, I studied Physics at the University of Michigan. Go Blue! I love doing research in NLA, and after graduation I hope to get a post-doc doing similar work and to have a long career doing applied mathematics research in academia. When I am not working on my research, I love playing/watching sports (especially soccer, basketball, and table tennis), playing/listening-to classical music, and eating chocolate cake. I was born in San Diego, California, USA, but spent the majority of my childhood in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, and Minnesota will always be home to me.

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